Who are you?

Who are you?

In ancient Greece, the philosopher Socrates once said that an unexamined life was not worth living. When asked about the most important thing in a human lifespan his answer was “Know yourself”. There have been numerous discussions about what is meant by this, because...
What if you are right?

What if you are right?

Many of the most successful people today suffer from imposters syndrome. It’s when we are afraid of being found out. Even if we are successful within a given field, that small voice can still enter our minds. What if they find out that I am not good enough, and this...
Are we born free?

Are we born free?

In a world where more people are facing immense pressure just trying to be themselves, one of the questions that comes to mind is: “are we born free?”. In the beginning of our lives, everything is new. It’s an adventure. If we are lucky enough we are born into a...